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  • The Lineup

    THE JON: Founder and the most successful fantasy baseballer in the group. Favorite players owned, Vladimir Guerrero, Ichiro, Johan Santana and Roy Halladay. READ
    He loves you and he loves fantasy baseball. Favorite team, the Red Sox. Spends his day drawing hearts around Mr. David Wright and Mrs. Newspaperman Wright. READ
  • THE OZ: Has been a buster ever since winning TheBaseballStars inaugural season. Favorite team, the A's. Best keeper, Alex Rodriguez. READ
  • FREESANJOSE: The sworn enemy of The Jon, FreeSanJose is the most versatile of the group when it comes to team strategy. Favorite team, the A's. Best keepers, Chase Utley and Ryan Howard. READ
  • POIDOG: Makes the playoffs every year. Has never won a title. Favorite team, the A's. Best players, Jake Peavy and Miguel Cabrera. Still crying over the Dan Haren trade. READ
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  • Bashing The Great Fernando Vina

    With the apparent downfall of everyone's favorite ESPN baseball "analyst," here are some of our favorite excerpts on Mr. Double-Breasted suit. READ
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Championship: Conceding Defeat

There comes a time and point during every championship, or even presidential election, where the losing team, or person, knows all hope is lost. It’s 1:45 p.m. Pacific, and that time is now for No Gimmicks Needed. It’s time to conceded defeat, and admit that I have lost TheBaseballStars World Series by a score of 8-6.

Now I could sit here and talk about how I lost the title, but fact of the matter is The Terror Returns won. Solid hitting and clutch pitching (Damn you, CC Sabathia) put No Gimmicks in its place. Later today, when the score is official and the tears dry up on my cheeks, I’ll look further into perhaps the greatest finals in the history of our league.

Congrats, FreeSanJose.

Draft advice: Top 20 Starting pitchers

Every league has a pitching guru. Not to toot my own horn, but more times than not, I proudly proclaim that mantle. Once upon a time, I insisted on keeping five pitchers. But even I know that’s not a sound strategy. I prefer to take one or two studs early and fill in my staff with high-upside hurlers on the young side of 30 who are capable of becoming dominant. I’ll leave low-WHIP, low-ERA, low-K, low-risk guys for someone else. Our rankings largely reflect that philosophy. Although The BaseballStars had a pretty wide level of varience — some of our top-10 pitchers didn’t even appear on everyone’s top-20 list — I would feel perfectly comfortable following this list straight down. Continue reading