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    THE JON: Founder and the most successful fantasy baseballer in the group. Favorite players owned, Vladimir Guerrero, Ichiro, Johan Santana and Roy Halladay. READ
    He loves you and he loves fantasy baseball. Favorite team, the Red Sox. Spends his day drawing hearts around Mr. David Wright and Mrs. Newspaperman Wright. READ
  • THE OZ: Has been a buster ever since winning TheBaseballStars inaugural season. Favorite team, the A's. Best keeper, Alex Rodriguez. READ
  • FREESANJOSE: The sworn enemy of The Jon, FreeSanJose is the most versatile of the group when it comes to team strategy. Favorite team, the A's. Best keepers, Chase Utley and Ryan Howard. READ
  • POIDOG: Makes the playoffs every year. Has never won a title. Favorite team, the A's. Best players, Jake Peavy and Miguel Cabrera. Still crying over the Dan Haren trade. READ
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  • Bashing The Great Fernando Vina

    With the apparent downfall of everyone's favorite ESPN baseball "analyst," here are some of our favorite excerpts on Mr. Double-Breasted suit. READ
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Carl Crawford in full effect … brothaaaah

All Public Enemy aside, The Jon bought the fantasy mag today to see how the lesser fantasy baseball experts went about their rankings. The one bought was done by The Sporting News and smack dab on the cover was their overall players rankings. It got The Jon to thinking of this particular song by one of the top three rap groups of all time and it was a way to get y’all to read this post. And here is the ranking infraction:
Carl Crawford was No. 8 overall.
No. 8.

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